MasterClass at Work Blog

How L&D Professionals Pivot in Uncertain Times

Written by The MasterClass Staff | May 31, 2023 11:11:55 PM

How does a company plan for the unforeseen? Some businesses employ professionals that specialize in analytics, strategy, and damage control. Others partner with external consultants and agencies that only focus on skills to help companies in emergency situations. 

However, despite having the most advanced level of experts on your side, there’s really no way to plan for the totally unexpected. The 2020 global pandemic is the immediate example that comes to mind to support this fact. Nobody planned or prepared for what happened. Instead, everyone had to pivot. 

The pivot has become more than a trend in the workforce. The ability for businesses to completely change how they work in a short amount of time is an essential technique that can help companies survive catastrophic events, better engage audiences, and even equip employees with the tools to boost performance at work.  

For leadership and development (L&D) professionals this is especially true. L&D professionals are at the core of helping solve major business challenges. These include sourcing the best talent for companies, providing training programs to ensure employees maintain advantageous qualities in the workforce, promoting work-life balance by implementing wellness initiatives, and so much more. And they’re tasked with doing all of this in an authentically engaging way. 


3 Ways L&D Professionals Pivot

With many companies still working in predominantly remote and/or hybrid settings, L&D professionals have embraced pivoting with implementing new ways to connect with team members. A key factor to the pivot in this profession has been discovering different ways to promote learning within a business and reevaluating what L&D really means for companies today. Let’s look at three things L&D professionals are doing to pivot successfully in the current world of work. 

1. Equipping teams with independent online learning experiences

Online learning has become the standard for L&D. The ability for employees to access online content gives them the opportunity to engage and learn at a pace that’s easily adaptable to their personal schedules. For example, if your employee is getting started with MasterClass at Work they can select content they want to absorb, create their own playlists, and watch when it’s convenient for them.

2. Engaging teams with best content

Let’s face it: People want to learn only from the top experts. MasterClass at Work only partners with the best in the business to ensure learners are equipped with curated, high-value insights to help build their personal and professional skills while keeping teams motivated and engaged. 

3. Keeping it fun 

Learning should be an enjoyable experience. If a team member finds the learning methods boring or too challenging to comprehend they’re more likely to check out. Professional skills can be taught with entertainment value so learners can have a good time and actually absorb the information effectively. 

Pivot with MasterClass at Work

L&D professionals aren’t just providing training and education to employees. They pivot expeditiously when something isn’t working. and at the core of what they do is creating direct pathways to impact a business’ success. They’re constantly thinking about how to better connect with employees, what tools will help people grow within a company, and how to best invest in strategies that will yield positive results. 

If you’re looking for the next new move in your L&D strategy check out MasterClass at Work. Give a specific team, or your entire company, an annual access pass to the entire MasterClass catalog with 180+ classes and new classes being added every month. Get started now.